Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Cherrybrook Kitchen Chocolate Chip Cookies

So these were suppose to be chocolate chip cookies - but I didn't read the directions properly....So they became chocolate cookies after I melted the shortening - it was HOT and I added it to the mix and melted all the chocolate chips.

With that said, we really enjoy Cherrybrook Kitchen products. What's not to like. A dedicated allergen free (dairy, peanut, egg and many gluten free products) company that makes treats that we can share with our non-allergic friends. It is easier to make with the kids than starting a recipe from scratch - just read the directions as part of the experience.

The chocolate chip cookies do contain soy lecithin. If you are avoiding soy - check out their other products.

1 comment:

Ria said...

I agree. We like Cherrybrook Kitchen mixes too. I usually bake cupcakes and freeze them and when my son has a birthday in his classroom, I ice and sprinkle one and send them in those individual cupcake holders!


P.S. Kirsten, since next week is Food Allergy Week, I'm inviting all food allergy bloggers and friends to contribute your own personal stories on dealing with food allergies... how you found out that you and/or your child has a food allergy, how you manage your food allergy, some of the things you are doing for Food Allergy Week, and what you want people to know about food allergies. We will post a collection of links to your blogs throughout the week. Interested?

Here's what to do:
1) Visit
2) Let me know you want to join by leaving a comment on today's post (so I can post a link to you!)
3) Spread the word: link to the CMT Community page and/or display our Food Allergy Week banner and/or tell all your pals!
4) Add a post on your blog for Food Allergy Week
5) Stop by our Community page during the week to see your post and read other people's stories.

Hope you'll join us in spreading the word about food allergies...
